Esquívelo en....Amsterdam-Liverpool

Taking place Aug 13-23

Sketch it on its a caravan of drawing to be held in two European cities. In each city we will draw for three days with a group of experienced instructors.

Learn from world-class sketchers who will enjoy coaching you to new heights with your drawing and obesrvations of the city. 

We all know Singapore is a world-class city as undoubtedly are Liverpool and Amsterdam which have been chosen as locations for this series of European summer workshops being led by a group of highly experienced urban sketching tutors including architect Norberto Dorantes, veteran architectural illustrator Frank Ching, architect and artist  Simone Ridyard and urban designer and architect Climaco Cardenas.

If you can’t make the USK Symposium in Singapore why don’t you join us in Europe…? We’re sketching in two fabulous cities over two long weekends in August and you can join us on one or more of the workshops (discounts available if you book two cities). A detailed programme of events in each city including experienced tuition by enthusiastic and friendly professionals, exciting talks and walks, evening events and Sketchcrawls, all organised with local knowledge and tailored to all abilities.

Whether you’re experienced or new to urban sketching, we invite you to join us anyway on our European adventure! Learn from world-class urban sketchers who will enjoy coaching you to new heights with your drawing and observations of the city.

Frank ChingNorberto Dorantes, Simone Ridyard

Sketching tour, interpreter and translator

Climaco Cardenas

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In Amsterdam we’re basing ourselves in the picturesque area around The American Bookshop on Spui. This is a central location close to the University of Amsterdam and home to many antiquarian bookshops and there’s an open-air market selling artwork and books in the central square most days. It’s also home to Cafe Luxembourg ‘one of the world’s most famous cafe’s’ according to the New York Times where we’ll meet each morning at the start of our sessions. We do realise that for some participants in our workshop that it might be their first visit to the beautiful city of Amsterdam so our intensive programme of events includes talks, walks, boat trip and some sightseeing – whilst we’re drawing of course!


In Liverpool we are basing ourselves on the famous Liverpool Waterfront, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site with its magnificent mix of historical and contemporary architecture as well as breathtaking panoramic views out across the River Mersey. We will divide our studio-based time between the Open Eye Gallery; one of the UK’s leading photographic galleries and Tate Liverpool which should need no introduction!And as in Amsterdam we’ll be creative tourists in this most stunning of cities!

This Liverpool workshop is being supported by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA North-West) as part of the 2015 Love Architecture programme 
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Workshops Structure:

  1. Architectural Sketching: Composition and Perspective: Frank Ching

  2. Perspectiva & Drawing Style Simone Ridyard

  3. Urban entourage: Norberto Dorantes

Extra activities:

  • Demostration: Frank Ching

  • Artificial Light (Drawing at night): Norberto Dorantes

  • Sketching tour: Climaco Cardenas-SR

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  1. Architectural Sketching: Composition and Perspective 2: Frank Ching

  2. Perspectiva & Drawing Style  Simone Ridyard

  3. Dynamic Ink (non waterproof ink and watercolors): Norberto Dorantes

Extra activities:

  • Demostration: Frank Ching

  • Artificial Light (How to draw interiors): Norberto Dorantes

  • Sketching tour: Climaco Cardenas- ND

PLEASE GO TO our web Sketch it On web for all the complete schedule

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A. Architectural Sketching: Composition and Perspective

(Frank Ching)

Descripción del taller

One of the challenges in urban sketching is overcoming the flatness of the pages we draw on and capturing the three-dimensional qualities of spatial environments. This workshop therefore focuses on the following three aspects of drawing architecture on location.

1. Enmarcar el tema

       Selección del tema

       Decidir un punto de vista

       Establishing foreground, middle ground, background

2. Colocación de la composición en la página

       Realizing the directional qualities of a composition

       Visualización de la imagen en la página

       Dibujo de las cinco primeras líneas

3. Desarrollar la estructura de la perspectiva

       Comprender la geometría

       Determinar el nivel de los ojos

       Avistamiento para la convergencia, la escala y la proporción

Objetivos de aprendizaje

The goal of the workshop is to develop an approach that will not only improve the spatial qualities of the work of advanced sketchers but also provide a sound foundation for beginners upon which they can grow their abilities.An advantage of this approach is that it enables one to work more quickly, the idea being that drawing multiple views can be more instructive than spending a lot of time on a single drawing.

Horario de los talleres

A 20-minute demonstration to illustrate the above principles and process would be followed by three sketching sessions. The first 30-minute session would focus on framing, composition, and the first five lines of a sketch. The following two 60-minute sessions would each focus on a different scene, build on the first experience, and provide more time to complete a sketch.

Each session would end with a sharing period and brief critique. During each sketching session, I would work one-on-one with each participant to discuss and demonstrate how each individual’s process, style, and technique of drawing might be improved.

Lista de suministros

Nothing fancy, just a free-flowing pen or very soft pencil and paper.

B. Urban Entourage

(Norberto Dorantes)

Descripción del taller

When drawing the city it’s really important to record organic elements (trees and people), street furniture, cars, etc.In this workshop you will learn how to draw these elements to harmonize with the architecture.

Often first we draw buildings, then the rest. Have you ever thought that you can start a drawing based on such elements?

The workshop will develop these three topics:

1.     Drawing organic. The basic idea is to create strategies to quickly draw a person, a tree, etc.

2.     Drawing street furniture. A lamppost, a fire hydrant, a bench, etc. You will draw expressively and in the correct scale in your scene.

3.Boats,cars, bicycles.

We will work as follows:

     To choose an object from the foreground.

     We will explore relationships between that plane and different planes until the background.

     The expression is fundamental. We will include color, texture and shadows.

Objetivos de aprendizaje

Los participantes:

    Will acquire the ability to build their sketches of urban space through an object and other urban entourage.

    May easily find the proportions of buildings, objects, people and other environmental elements.

    Will also explore the possibility of drawing complex structures or details (eg a boat or an architectural style)

    Will learn to find a balance between the architecture and entourage

    Will use colors, textures and shadows as protagonists of their drawings.

Horario de los talleres

    Introduction, theory and demonstration  about 20 min

    Ejercicio 1   about 40 min

    Explanation about 10 min

    Ejercicio 2   about 40 min

    Explanation about 10 min

    Ejercicio 3   about 50 min

    Exposición, comentarios del grupo y clausura final about 15 min

Lista de suministros

We do not need very sophisticated materials, just use what you feel comfortable with; for example fine-liner pens or ballpoints in different colors of ink and a set of watercolors and / or colored pencils.

C. Perspective & Drawing Style

(Simon Ridyard)


  • An introduction (or reintroduction) to the principles of perspective

  • Understanding of one and two point perspective; how they work in real life rather than just as a technical exercise. How to set them up, where to find eye level and the elusive vanishing point

  • A nod to birds eye and worm’s eye perspective

  • Improved understanding of scale, massing and context

  • Understanding when to add the detail and when to leave alone

  • Working within an allotted timescale…no pressure!

  • Using colour and own personal technique to add drama

  • Increased confidence when drawing challenging architectural views…the more challenging the better!


  • Introductions, theory and discussion about perspective, a hand-out will be provided that gives information about each exercise (approx. 20 minutes)

  • One point perspective; quick demo, exercise and review (30 minutes)

  • Two point perspective; quick demo, exercise and review (30 minutes)

  • Quick context studies…capturing the view in thumbnails and review (20 minutes)

  • Skyline sketch, concentrating on the city context and review (30 minutes)

  • Final drawing which brings it all together (60 minutes)

  • Review, final feedback (approx. 20 minutes)


No specific requirement, but suggest fine liner pens (0.1-0.3mm) or pencil (B-2B) for Part One. Colour, mixed media; whatever you prefer for second part of the session welcomed…and encouraged! Also a sketchbook, in which you can draw in panoramic format (across 2 pages) so preferably not spiral bound. Folding stool would be helpful.

Resultados del aprendizaje:

-         An introduction (or reintroduction) to the principles of perspective

-         Understanding of one and two point perspective; how they work in real life rather than just as a technical exercise.   How to set them up, where to find eye level and the elusive vanishing point

-         A nod to birds eye and worm’s eye perspective

-         Improved understanding of scale, massing and context

-         Understanding when to add the detail and when to leave alone

-         Working within an allotted timescale…no pressure!

-         Using colour and own personal technique to add drama

-         Increased confidence when drawing challenging architectural views…the more challenging the better!

D. Dynamic Ink

(Norberto Dorantes)

Cómo dibujar con tinta no resistente al agua y acuarelas


Descripción del taller:

Los rotuladores con tinta no resistente al agua pueden ser una herramienta interesante e imprescindible para dominar cuando hacemos bocetos. A menudo se cree que debemos utilizar tinta permanente antes de la acuarela, sin embargo, la tinta no resistente al agua realza la riqueza de la obra y puede crear efectos artísticos muy interesantes.


- La línea se suaviza y evita la dureza y la rigidez.

- Producir fluidez y frescura en los dibujos.

- Al utilizar bolígrafos de punta fina, ¿podemos controlar la salida de la tinta y evitar perder nuestro

- El tono de la tinta (ligeramente púrpura, según el tipo de tinta) crea un especial

- Podemos simplemente utilizar el agua para producir profundidad o contraste en nuestro trabajo sin otros

- Trabajamos con gráficos (rayas y motivos) combinados con tintes (agua

- Se puede utilizar una variedad de colores de tinta (marrón, azul, negro) para recrear especiales

- Esta técnica se recomienda para atmósferas de trazos cuando entra en contacto con la acuarela. color. toques o acuarela) atmósferas.

o bocetos rápidos y expresivos (sólo se necesita bolígrafo y pincel con agua)

o Preparación de dibujos intermedios (cuando se trabaja con una paleta de acuarela limitada, utilizando

entre uno y hasta tres colores) y

o dibujos complejos (utilizando más allá una paleta de acuarela)

Ubicación del taller

Sinfonía del Nuevo Mundo (Frank Gehry)

Objetivos de aprendizaje:

Los participantes:

- Adquirirá la habilidad de controlar el trazo dinámico de la tinta al aplicar el agua o la acuarela.

- Utilizará la tinta dinámica para realzar el contraste y recrear la atmósfera del lugar.

- Aplica esta técnica en un boceto rápido y tinta sólo con agua, en el segundo utilizando dos o tres colores y en un tercer dibujo más complejo.

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Live demonstrations by Frank Ching with the whole group

Extra Activities

Activities in which the instructor-coordinador provides general guidance about the chosen theme
Sketch it On


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