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На сайте Мюррей Дьюхерст в Новой Зеландии.

I’m not in support of destroying (what’s left) of Auckland’s built heritage at all. As you may know Christchurch got destroyed by an earthquake a few years back while Auckland is the complete opposite, it has been getting destroyed by developers for decades.

Strangely though, I really enjoy a bit of demolition! Contradictory I know, but I really got a kick out of doing these sketches. A bit like watching a car crash, the noise, dust and drama is extremely compelling to watch (and sketch).

Standing just outside the security fence I was able to get close to the action and this in turn encouraged me to attack the page with quick vigorous line work.

Not all my sketches worked out particularly well but I think the ones that did have a more authentic feeling than if I’d slavishly laboured over them.

Added bonus for demolition sketching; you only need

1 colour — Orange!


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