Старые темы, новые точки зрения (1)

Sheikh Lotfollah mosque

Happy new year 2016. I
hope you very happy, sketchy days in new year.

My favorite subjects in
Isfahan have been always around Naqshe-Jahan square and it’s Grand Bazaar.
Buildings and people.

Sepah street entrance

Here is one of the best
places in town for sitting and enjoying surrounding.

I find always new friends there who are curiousabout my sketches. Some of them do not like or maybe
understand my work. Sometimes they say I know, you will complete it at home.

Some of them ask me to draw their
faces. But I am sure, they will not be satisfy of the result. Some of them
discuss their life, daily news of town or country. People of this town are usually
happy and ready to find happiness through  life. Always I have enjoyed discussing them,
learning and sharing our happiness.

Ali Qapu palace

This winter I went there very
much when I had a free time, and sketched more and more. The weather was
sometimes very cold and windy, but it’s sunshine was also delightful.


I really enjoyed of some
of these sketches. Don’t sure how much I have been successful, but I
like to free my mind from my extra habits in sketching andchange my viewpoint and approach in making
lines and forms. 

I hope you enjoy these works.

Some university girls next to the pool, were studing sketching and perspective geometry. Ali Qapu entrance is in background

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