Every day, when i accompany our children on the bikeride to school, we cross this gap in the city. The motorway and circular rail cut the city, and beyond is a wide open space in front of fair and congress center.
When we cross the bridge, there suddenly is an open view on a mostly spectecular sky, that was hidden behind the 19th century houses before. Sometimes there are huge mountains of clouds, other days feathery structures hover by gently or an armada of majestic cloudships covers the sky.
On my way back, after having delivered the kids, i occasionally try to capture some of that natural sensation (always failing to catch the true dignity of it).
Now the IFA (Internationale FunkAusstellung – “The leading trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances”) is about to open. So there will be traffic jams on Messedamm between trade fair and congress center. All under that sky, that is hidden behind that spacy, grotesquely “muscular” architecture of congress center.