Behzad Bagheri, Iran
Behzad Bagheri qualified from Tehran University of Art with a Master’s Degree in Architecture.
When he first started painting, he adopted watercolors and sketches for the purposes of his initial architecture designs. Aesthetics soon took over the functional side and he found himself painting for artistic purposes rather than functional, architectural purposes.
His work was becoming a means for him to connect with himself and his surroundings and share these impressions with others. It became a way to communicate with others. Since the transformation of his work from design to art, he has participated in several solo and group exhibitions in Iran and overseas.
For the past ten years he has been teaching art and architecture. He is experienced in Islamic art and architecture, applied geometry, perspective geometry, painting and drawing with watercolor, pencil, graphite and charcoal.
Workshop A: Playing with Light and Shadow
Location: National Museum of Singapore
Workshop description
Light and shadows visually define objects. The direction from which a dominant light originates, the placement of this light source affects every aspects of a drawing and make changes in objects lightness, darkness and color. Similarly, the shadows shapes, sizes and values range of shades in different times of a day are always changing .On the other hand ,when we walk up to an object and see it from various sides, we’ll have new images of the different values created by the light and shadows. So, the different characteristics of the light hitting an object can completely change its appearance.
Through this workshop we try to figure out, perceive and present the beauty and warmth of the sun’s light and its companion with the shadow in sketch. We start with the geometry of light and shadow and its perspective principals. We also learn how the objects are seen facing natural and artificial light sources, and what shadows they leave around.
Then we learn values and different shades of grey between white and black (light and Shadow) and experience it on the paper. After that, we look around and change our position, choose frames and start testing presentation of light and shadow on the paper through trial and error.
For more information about the Symposium, including schedule and registration information, please visit the Symposium site.