Montreal based artist Marc Taro Holmes is a sketchbook artist, studio painter, art-educator, and illustrator. Since 2009, Marc has been a correspondent for the international website of reportage artists
He is the author of the how-to art book, The Urban Sketcher: Techniques for Seeing and Drawing on Location, from North Light Books. Marc also teaches in person and online, hosting two popular sketching classes from Travel Sketching in Mixed Media and Sketching People in Motion. He has also produced four Urban Sketching video demonstrations from ArtistsNetwork.TV.
Visit Marcís website for an ever growing journal of stories and images from his travels. Youíll find plenty of free advice on drawing and painting experiments, reviews of new materials, and news from the wide world of location sketching.
Workshop 10 – Urban Sketching on Assignment: Planning & Executing Team-Based Sketching Reportage