[by Marion Rivolier from Paris, France]
With fifteen other Urban Sketchers, I was invited by Lapin to exhibit at the Festival of Carnets de voyage, Ici & Ailleurs in Brest at the far end of Brittany in France. We showed our works together in two large spaces, which we have transformed into curio cabinet : an accumulation of drawings, sketchbooks, display cases, boxes of all kinds and small accessories, each one stranger than the next: skulls and bones of animals, reptiles, shells, jars, etc. This created a pretty amazing set!
The above watercolor presents my part (with a watercolor of a puppeteer enlarged and printed on a human scale), that of Joao Catarino (in the process of drawing), and Guillaume Duval, a local guy, who supplied most of the curio-cabinet accessories.
On the other side of the aisle, there was an ongoing caricature-drawing competition between Lapin, Lolmède and Pierre Amoudry. Their portraits were accurate! On the left, Marielle Durand drew the group. We spent three days painting, drawing, meeting the public, laughing and drinking. The festival team was committed and passionate, and they welcomed us wonderfully.
Damien Roudeau also invited a joyous band of artists as well as musicians, who regaled us with their songs. Meanwhile, the designers were drawing on a large kraft paper behind them to the rhythm of the accordion. This moment was very intense and fascinating.
Rendez-vous in two years for the next festival!