Skizze der Vergangenheit

(Suhita Shirodkar in Kalifornien) Die Dinge, die mich interessieren, scheinen auf zwei entgegengesetzte Seiten des Spektrums zu fallen: Es gibt energiegeladene Orte voller Menschen, die ich gerne zeichne. Und wenn ich das nicht tue, fühle ich mich zu alten Relikten aus einer anderen Zeit hingezogen. Stille, vergessene Ecken, verblassende Schilder und stattliche alte Häuser, manchmal [...]
Dealin' Dollar Dan

[by Suhita Shirodkar] Dealin’ Dollar Dan. How can you not love a character named that? He once belonged to the equally evocatively named Gold Rush Motors. Not anymore. The business is now called Service Rent-A-Car. Sam’s Downtown Feed & Pet Supply. A magical store I am going to have to go back and sketch the […]
Auf der Suche nach alten Schildern in San Jose, Kalifornien

Suhita Shirodkar in San Jose, California There’s the kind of vintage sign that you will see on a decrepit building, one that is in danger of being torn down. Like the Burbank Cinema on South Bascom Avenue, which is currently rented out as a dance studio but will eventually be sold to a developer. My […]
Tip Top Liquors, Time Delicatessen, Libby's, Western Appliance und das Motel Capri

Businesses don’t come with quaint names like that anymore. Tip Top Liquors, San Jose. A yelp review claims this: “Hidden behind a modest and grimy exterior is a treasure trove for craft beer lovers.” Sketched in the evening light, when even the grimiest of storefronts has a golden glow. The sign for Time Delicatessen, which […]
Mehr Vintage-Schilder
by Suhita Shirodkar in San Jose, California I sketched two signs this week. They’re the sort of signs you don’t see around anymore. Trouble is, I don’t know their vintage, or very much about them at all. I even googled them, and asked people around in both malls if they knew anything about them… nothing so […]
Vintage Signs

It’s a recent obsession. I’ve been tracking down and sketching signs near San Jose, California.The nice thing about hunting down these hidden signs is that every so often, someone will write in and tell me about a sign I haven’t sketched, and sometimes it’s surprising how much I haven’t discovered of places that are quite […]

When you sketch a place – a view, a street, a monument – you get to know it so well. The light, the textures, the colors, all the stuff you would miss if you weren’t looking so deeply. So it’s a bittersweet feeling when it no longer exists: I am glad I got to sketch […]