Bocetos recientes de londinenses en el transporte público

These are Londoners sleeping, reading, standing and dreaming-Nothing draws me more than just catching commuters in their little personal moments on the tube, train or bus.      

Above here, is a video of my sketchbook, if you would like to see the full post with  some of the tips I shared click AQUÍ.

The sketches here are all done while the commuter is still on the train, bus or tube. Sometimes interesting things happen and the journey turns out to be a dramatic one. Below are some of those little interesting periods while sketching on a journey on London Transport.

There was no one to sketch, the guy I wanted to sketch was a bit far away on this train, so I decided to still give it a go and I had some fun with the vacant chairs!
The lady on the right was having a real tough time with her boyfriend, as they got on the train and sat in front of me, I just looked up and started sketching as usual. Then all of a sudden they both started communicating with each other, via text messages. They were not communicating verbally. Then I noticed the guy was getting a little bit agitated, he then said, “Are you drawing her?” I said, “Yes!” He then asked to look and shared it with his girlfriend, they both said they loved the sketch, but they both thanked me for getting them both talking to each other again. Apparently they had both decided they were not going to talk to each other because of an argument they had earlier in the day. They said your sketch just saved our relationship! Now that really MADE MY DAY!!!
This couple were having a real silent and cold war…….They did it professionally without much noise, but I could feel the tension  on the ladies’ face. She was doing most of the talking while her partner just tried to make things simple but it wasn’t helping much. While all this goes on, I sketch them from Waterloo East to Woolwich Arsenal (25mins long). I didn’t have the opportunity to show them but I was glad to record such a silent cold war.
Sometimes when there is no one to sketch I sketch myself, this time I decided to focus only on my hands. The other page has the same commuter from two different angles.
This was an unusual commuter, she had more than 200 safety pins wrapped around her. I tried my best here to catch her from 4 different angles. I wish she was facing me rather than being at an angle but I did the best I could. Everyone on the bus seemed to watch as this sketch evolved, but no one said a word but they all stared at me quite weirdly on my way out.

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