Conozca al corresponsal: Chris Haldane > Sydney, Australia
Siempre me ha fascinado dibujar. Si mi familia no me encontraba cuando era pequeña, sólo tenían que ir a la estantería y allí estaría, ¡dibujando en sus libros! Tras una carrera en la enseñanza, hace poco terminé mis estudios superiores de arte y estoy disfrutando del tiempo que [...]
Conoce al corresponsal: Harshad Arole > Pune, India
No tengo formación de arquitecto ni de artista, lo que creo que se refleja en mis bocetos urbanos. Intento componer una vista a partir de la yuxtaposición de varios elementos que caracterizan un lugar concreto. La llamativa faceta arquitectónica de un edificio siempre dominará, pero si se complementa con la gente, los vehículos, [...]
Conozca al corresponsal: T.K. Justin Ng > Hong Kong
Soy estudiante de arquitectura y registro y comparto mi vida y mis viajes a través de mis bocetos. Empecé a dibujar in situ en 2013 y desde entonces me he enamorado de ello. A través de cada dibujo, observo, destilo y registro los lugares que visito. Esto me permite obtener una comprensión mucho más profunda de [...]
Conozca al corresponsal: Erika Brandner > Santiago, Chile
Vivo en Santiago de Chile. Soy miembro fundador de Urban Sketchers Chile, diseñador gráfico y guía turístico para turistas de habla alemana que visitan Santiago, el Puerto de Valparaíso y los valles vitivinícolas de los alrededores. Como diseñadora gráfica trabajé muchos años en la industria gráfica y publicitaria. Pero dentro de mí había [...]
Conozca al corresponsal: Fred Baele > Harare, Zimbabue
Me llamo Fred. He encontrado la paz en el dibujo desde que tengo uso de razón. Hace algunos años, cuando empecé a trabajar, dejé de dibujar con regularidad, y luego del todo. Tenía muchas excusas: niños, responsabilidades, cosas... pero realmente perdí algo dentro de mí. No volví a empezar hasta 2012. Todo esto para [...]
Conozca a la corresponsal: Peggy Wong > Kuching, Malasia
Trained as an architect, I have an innate passion for the built environment. I started sketching as a form of observation and documenting the disappearing architecture of our past, in my hometown Kuching, on the island of Borneo. I keep a sketch journal to document daily things, travel stories and design ideas. Kuching, Old Town […]
Meet the correspondent: Béliza Mendes > Luxembourg
I live in Luxembourg, one of the smallest countries of the world, lost between its big neighbours, France, Belgium and Germany. In our corner of Europe it is easy to be overlooked and even people driving through might miss the fact that they have been here. It is, however, a beautiful country rich in history […]
Conozca al corresponsal: Richard Sheppard > Región vinícola del condado de Sonoma
“In the 1980s, I earned a B.A. in Studio Art at Arizona State University. After relocating to San Francisco, I studied illustration at the Academy of Art University, under Barbara Bradley, Barron Storey, and Howard Brodie. At the Academy, sketchbooks were required and it was there that I began plein air sketching. Sketching in public […]
Tina Koyama
“The dictionary says that a hobby is “an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation.” Although urban sketching certainly provides both pleasure and relaxation, I don’t think of it as my hobby. I think of it more as a way of life – something that has become such a normal part of my everydayness […]
Jeroen Janssen
At kindergarten I appeared to be no good for much except drawing. I studied graphic arts at Sint-Lucas in Ghent, and later taught in the art school in Nyundo, Rwanda. I publish graphic novels and short stories, and work for magazines, such as Zone 5300 (NL), Mo* (B) and XXI (F). I am currently working […]
Peter Rush
As an architect I do a lot of drafting, that is floor plans, elevations, sections and construction details. It does include perspectives, and lots of rough sketches, investigations to find the right solution. It’s time consuming work and it is all about producing a correct accurate set of plans to construct a building. Once the […]
Marion Rivolier
I am a scenographer (stage and set designer) and fine artist living and working in Paris, France. For more than ten years now, I have also been painting and drawing outdoors. In Paris or when traveling, I spend my time painting… I work almost exclusively with watercolors: my favorite tools are a big brush, a […]