L'enfer ?
[By Jeroen Jannsen from Brussels, Belgium] The president of the United States always knows how to hurt people with his tweets. One and a half year ago, we dit even not yet know how to write his name in Belgium, and there was his tweet about the hellhole of Brussels. There was something about terrorists who […]
À la découverte de l'âme de Bruxelles
[Guest post by Elisa Gandolfo in Brussels] My adventure in Belgium has started! Studying a new language, working as an au pair, and of course sketching around. 🙂 It isn’t a secret that in this country it’s always raining, and I was looking forward for a dry day to go out with my carnet de […]
Sketchcrawl 31, Bruxelles
Belle journée, hier, pour mon premier sketchcrawl en Belgique ! 15 ou 16 sketchs, et j'étais le plus âgé... et seul à parler français !
the dark
Lately I have become fascinated with sketching, drawing, painting ‘the dark.’ That experience comes twofold. one one side, I try to draw the night, dark rooms, and so on… on the other hand, I attend alot of concerts. I have started drawing while standing in the audience. the light is constantly changing, and I hardly […]
croquis de rock and roll
first of all, i’m sorry jerry. but not really. i saw one of my young students drawing with panda-chalks (after the brand of those things) and it dawned to me, those were the oil-pastels you’re always sketching with. i decided to give it a go, last night in the ancienne belgique in brussels. i kind […]
News Café, Bruxelles
This is my last sketch from my day in Brussels. Although I’m really glad that we now have a smoking ban in our pubs and restaurants here in the UK, it made me feel quite nostalgic to sit in a smoky bar. And in the spirit of nostalgia I ordered a kir, which when I […]
Lunch in Brussels
The quickest of quick sketches while husband looked at the guidebook on our day trip. The walls of the restaurant were covered in different collections of objects – biscuit tins, coffee grinders, long playing records, bottles, packaging. It all added up to a delightful quirky interior. My complementary raspberry beer was delicious.
Séjour à Bruxelles
On Friday I went to Brussels for the day with my husband. The tickets were the prize for a Little Break to Brussels competition on Katherine Tyrrel’s blog. It was wonderful to go to another country just for the day. Despite, in my youth, designing the brochures for the insurance broking company who brokered the […]
la vie est belge
Sous un soleil glacial, j'ai dessiné la Grand Place, le cœur de Bruxelles. Mon ami (qui n'avait pas dormi la nuit précédente) a choisi la chaleur du minuscule pub P'tit Paon pendant que j'esquissais ; je l'ai rejoint un peu plus tard pour boire une bière et terminer la peinture. et puis j'ai réalisé [...]
lapin à bruxelles
2008/11/04 De détour à bruxelles pour le baptême d'anièce la nièce de lapinette, nous avons profité d'une journée moins "mouillée" pour nous balader dans le "coeur" de la ville. Je gardais un souvenir de grandeur et de foisonnement de détails de la grand'place, et en effet, les palais néogothique jouxtent les façades flamandes, et des [...]