Croquis urbains dans mon propre jardin

[Lydia Velarde in San Diego]  Many of our flowers and succulents are blooming now so I decided to take myself out in the yard to sketch a few. Pencil and watercolor in a handmade book.

Noël dans le parc

[Par Lydia Velarde à San Diego] Ce croquis a été créé au Old Poway Park à San Diego sur un bloc d'aquarelle 8×8. Le personnel du parc se préparait pour un grand événement et installait des décorations. Tous les bâtiments avaient une sorte d'ornementation festive et étaient magnifiques.

Luce Court et Legacy Plaza, San Diego

By Lydia Velarde, San Diego. The San Diego Urban Sketchers met at Luce Court and Legacy Plaza, Liberty Station, San Diego.Liberty Station was formerly known as the Naval Training Center San Diego. It welcomed its first Navy recruits in 1923. After training up to 50,000 recruits a year for over 60 years, Liberty Station is […]

10 x 10 à Usk San Diego !

[By Lydia Velarde in San Diego] USk San Diego 10 x 10 Call For Instructors Join us in beautiful San Diego in 2020 for our first 10 x10 Workshop Series when we will present 10 workshops by 10 instructors. Workshops will be held in San Diego (outdoor location to be determined) during May, June and July […]

Sketching with visitors from Australia

By Lydia Velarde in [San Diego], Sketching at Balboa Park with the San Diego Urban Sketchers. It’s such a treat to welcome guests from all over the world and today we had special guests, Maria and Jim from Australia! This is my sketch of the Bell Tower and the top of the Old Globe Theatre.

Spanish Village, une communauté de studios d'art

By Lydia Velarde in [San Diego], The Spanish Village Art Center is home to over 200 working artists. The Center is a beautiful place to sketch and paint. I tried this piece in a large (10 x 11 inch) watercolor sketchbook a fellow urban sketcher made for me.

Croquis dans un jardin privé

[L'un des Urban Sketchers de San Diego nous a permis d'accéder aujourd'hui à un jardin privé à Bonita, en Californie. Ce jardin a été primé et a fait l'objet d'un article dans un magazine de jardinage populaire. Il y avait plusieurs sections différentes dans le jardin, chacune ayant son propre thème. J'ai choisi de dessiner [...]

Marathon des échecs

[San Diego] By Lydia Velarde in San Diego, Koh-i-nor Rapido Sketch Pen and Watercolor. Every year our friend drives down from Los Angeles for a Chess Retreat. He stays at our house and we play marathon chess. I am the one that warms him up because I am not as skilled as Ray and my husband, […]

Musée de l'air et de l'espace, Balboa Park San Diego

[San Diego] by Lydia Velarde  The San Diego Urban Sketchers met at the Edwin D. McKellar Pavilion of Flight in the San Diego Air and Space Museum, Balboa Park, San Diego California. I created this sketch using Pitt Brush Pens then added color with Holbein Gouache. The video with the other artists and their sketches can […]

Sharpie September at Lake Mira Mar, San Diego, CA

[By Lydia Velarde in San Diego] I created this drawing with a Sharpie Ulta Fine Marker and watercolor while attending a paint out with Inland Painters. This is the dock at Mira Mar Lake, a reservoir located in North San Diego County. There is a 5-mile loop around the lake and is a popular place for picnicking, […]