[Sanjeev Joshi in Bhutan] インドのプネから25名のアーバンスケッチャーが5月にブータンを訪れました。6日間の滞在で、広範囲にスケッチしました。ブータンはインドの隣国です。幸福指数が最も高く、最も美しい国の一つであり、最も親切な人々で構成されています。二酸化炭素排出量もマイナスです。仏教国であるため、ゾン、寺院、修道院はスケッチするのに最適な場所です。私たちはまた、都市スケッチャーのティンプー通信員、ジャンペル・チェダに簡単に会いました。以下、スケッチと写真を紹介する。
monks and monastery.
Very rarely i attepmt to draw humanfigures,as stationary objects are better subjects! But in this monastery at thimpu,there were so many monks around that it was not posiible to ignore them.They had a hearty laugh when they saw their poses!Even with language barrier we could communicate our feelings.
Paro is a Valley town. The bazar has a very distinct character, straight out of western movies. You expect Clint Eastwood to ride on horse any time! The mountain background and snow capped Himalays completes the perfect picture. Posting a few sketches and photographs of Paro bazar.
When i was in bhutan, it rained for first two days.It was not possible to paint easily in wet conditions, so i did black and white sketches ,and enjoyed doing them too.Generally i dont touch up my sketches after coming home,but this time i had to do it as it was raining and also had lot of time for myself after returning back to hotel room.Some sketches i loved them as black and white only so here they are.
bhutan visit 2
Asnee our fellow urban sketcher has posted beautiful sketches on the blog, when i was away to bhutan.i missed seeing them,but yesterday i visited all his posts and enjoyed fellow artisits vision and point of view too.I have sketched similar subjects, so you all may get a bit bored!! Asnee has done lot of explaining,which i am grateful to him,as i can just post my pictures without much of writing.I am posting sketches of taktsang monastery from various altitudes.
I am back from a very sketch filled trip to bhutan. i did about 150 sketches in bhutan. i will be putting then on flicker soon,but will be posting them on urban sketchers for next few weeks also.i have done mostly black and white and coloured sketches.I am posting three today.The writing onthe sketches are self explanatory.