[By Richard Sheppard in Cloverdale, California] Over the past two weeks, massive wildfires have ripped through Sonoma and Napa Counties destroying entire communities. It began on a Sunday night just before midnight with high winds carrying the flames across miles of land in a matter of hours, igniting businesses and homes as inhabitants slept in their beds. Awakening to the nightmare, families had only minutes to gather belongings before evacuating. Who says monsters don’t exist? Fire is an amorphous creature with an insatiable appetite. A being of pure energy, it gobbles up everything in its path, leaving behind only smoke and ruin. The Tubbs Fire that stormed through Santa Rosa […]
[By Richard Sheppard in Cloverdale, California] I admit it. I love art books. Drawing, watercolor, illustration, animation, and of course, sketching are some of my favorite subjects. This stack represents approximately 15% of my total art book collection, but even still, I feel my library is no where near complete. What are some of your favorite art books? How to Make a Journal of Your Life by D. Price Process Recess by James Jean The Urban Sketching Handbook: People and Motion by Gabriel Campanario ( I have a sketch in this book!) The Urban Sketching Handbook: Architecture and Cityscapes by Gabriel Campanario The Urban Sketching Handbook: Understanding Perspective by Stephanie […]
[グラミー賞受賞者で世界的に有名なジャズ・スーパースター、ポール・マッカンドレスがベイエリアのジャズ・トリオ、チャージド・パーティクルと共演し、カリフォルニア州クローバーデールのザ・ジャズ・クラブを熱狂させたのです。マッキャンドレスは最近、ジャズのスーパーグループ、オレゴンの結成45周年を祝いました。ソプラノ、テナー、ソプラニーノサックス、オーボエ、イングリッシュホルン、バスクラリネット、ペニーホイッスル、そして民族楽器であるフルートのコレクションを演奏しています。Charged Particlesは、ピアニストのMurray Low、ベースのAaron Germain、ドラマーのJon Krosnickで構成されています。このコラボレーションにより、マッカンドレスのオリジナル曲のレパートリーに新鮮なひねりと新しいエネルギーが吹き込まれました。新しいCaran D'Acheの水溶性色鉛筆でStillman [...]にスケッチしたものです。
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Guest Post by Richard Sheppard in Cloverdale, California After searching many years for the perfect sketchbook, I finally gave up on the commercial brands and decided to make my own. For weeks I stayed up all night tearing paper, threading needles, poking holes in mat boards, and utilizing all kinds of gadgets, until finally I created the sketchbook I had been searching for. Here are the steps I used to make my favorite sketchbook. 1) Measure out and tear (using the side of a ruler) a full sheet (22″ x 30″) of Arches watercolor paper into eight, 7.5″ x 11″ sheets (a full sheet is actually 22.5 inches wide so […]