いつもと違うオーストラリアのアンザックデー - COVID 19 Style

The sound of the Last Post rang out across Australia at dawn today despite the usual ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) services being cancelled. Instead, we were encouraged to remember this significant day for our country by holding a candle in our driveways. Some in dressing gowns and others with Aussie flags gathered in the dark at 6am to be part of this event. Friends of mine said, ‘The kookaburras started, then the cockatoos, but they all stopped for the duration of the Last Post played by a young neighbour.” Another reported, “We listened to the service from Canberra and as the trumpeter was playing the Reveille, somewhere […]


[フレッド・リンチ著、ボストンより】角を曲がると、目に飛び込んできた。何年も歩いたことのあるヴィテルボの通りにあるドアの前の地面に、3つの真鍮の四角い石が光を受けて輝いていた。それは、元々あった3つの灰色の石畳の代わりとして置かれていた。それぞれに名前と日付、そして "Deportato Auschwitz "と "Morto 1945 "が刻まれていた。街で最も愛されているジェラート店のある城壁に囲まれた街の、この心地よい入り口を見下ろし、そして見回すと、私の心は沈んだ。 2015年、ドイツ人アーティスト、グンター・デムニッヒがケルンからヴィテルボを訪れ、地元スポンサーの招きでこれらの石を入り口に置いた。現在、この場所 [...]...



sketches at Son gi-jeong Memorial Park, Malli-dong, Seoul

Statue – running with all his might, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm Statue of Son gi-jeong, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm Pin Oak tree was planted in memory of  Son, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm  entrance of the Memorial Hall under remodeling, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm  construction field around the Memorial Hall, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm   old fashioned Yangchung High School buildings with a history, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm  playing soccer at the lawn ground inside the Memorial Park, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm  control office viewed from the Gate of  Memorial Park, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm . This […]


グイドは、新しく奉納されたMLK Jr.メモリアルをスケッチすることで私に勝ったが、私はようやくそれを自分で見てスケッチする機会を得ることができてとても幸せだった(たとえ芝生の上に座っていて怒鳴られたにせよ)。モールを歩く人々の群れから判断すると、この記念碑は明らかに見る人すべてに計り知れない意味を持ち、間違いなくすべての人が訪れるべき不可欠なランドマークとなることでしょう。私はモールにいたので、私のお気に入りの、あまり知られていないとはいえ、国立科学アカデミーのそばの人通りの少ない記念館をチェックしようと思いました。マーティンが[...]を取得すると


The “Mémorial de Cointe” has been built to celebrate the victory of the Allies in 1918. I often drew this building. I send some sketches : The oldest is from 1986, and I drew the newest today… Each year, at November 11th, we have the possibility to climb up the tower, and to have a beautiful view of the town.


Saturday 25th was Anzac Day – Australia’s national war memorial day. One day I would like to get up and join the crowds for the big dawn service in the city… but not this year! So when I saw in our local paper what had taken place at a park in my suburb, I decided on a little adventure after breakfast to see what was the legacy of a much smaller affair. I only had an hour so had to do some quick sketches… but certainly a nice thing to do! It is amazing what discoveries are made when you stop and sketch and look at things! It also made […]