USk Workshop: Light & White in Watercolour, Portugal 28 de Abril - 4 de Maio de 2019

Datas: 28 de Abril-4 de Maio de 2019 Objectivos de aprendizagem: Tornar-se confiante com a sua aguarela Manusear diferentes técnicas com facilidade e fluência Familiarizar-se com técnicas clássicas como o vidrado e o molhado sobre molhado Evitar as armadilhas comuns O local: A região algarvia de Portugal é bem conhecida pelas suas belas praias, excelente comida e clima ensolarado. Vamos ficar em dois lugares especiais [...]

Workshop USk: Luz e Branco em Aguarela

Luz e branco em aguarela Junte-se a mim no belo Algarve, em Portugal, no próximo mês de abril, para uma semana de esboços em aguarela. A costa do sudoeste de Portugal está repleta de praias imaculadas, aldeias bonitas e grandes céus, brilhando ao sol do final da primavera. Vamos explorar a forma de refletir esta luz cintilante na aguarela, aprendendo [...]

Nos bastidores: Esboço no Algarve, Portugal

[By Róisín Curé in the Algarve] I know just where I was when the invitation came through to take part in the Sketch Tour Portugal. It doesn’t get better than that for us sketchers. You can see a flick-through of my sketches here on You Tube. This piece has some photos from behind the scenes… There […]

Ria Formosa

[By Pedro Cabral in southern Portugal]   Of course I love travelling. New and different things, the unknown, the outstanding… but I also love coming back to already known and dear places and RIA FORMOSA (Algarve, south of Portugal) is one of those sites. Every summer I come back and always get marveled. I love […]

Festival MED em Loulé, Algarve

[by José Louro in Loulé, Portugal] MED Festival hosted in Loulé, Algarve. These drawings were made in July 2016. I was part of a group that was invited by the Loulé Town Hall to do reportage drawing. These drawings are just before the festival start, when you can see how everything works to everything really […]

Esboços de férias II

[Já passou algum tempo desde o meu último post mas este tem muitos esboços por isso parece uma redenção. Acabámos de chegar de Portugal onde passámos as férias de verão com a família e amigos, o tempo estava fantástico, a água do mar estava quente e tivemos [...]

Warm water

[By Pedro Cabral in Algarve, Portugal.] We are having a splendid summer in Algarve. Water temperature is often about 27ºC, clear, and sunshining. Also weeverfish (trachinidae) like this situation and less adventurous bathers swim with shoes. I never used them during the whole month and was lucky. Wonderful beach days!

Relatório de esboço do Algarve Portugal

[By Marc Taro Holmes in Algarve, Portugal] Hey everyone! We’re recently back from a USK workshop in Algarve. I wanted to share some of the urban sketches from the 11 day painting tour! I liked this alley because of the boats parked in back. That seemed like a slice of life we don’t see at […]

Dez anos a blogar os meus esboços

O meu blogue BONECOS DE BOLSO faz hoje 10 anos com esboços quase diários. Há dez anos atrás ainda não havia USk. Tinha acabado de regressar de Lagos (Algarve, Portugal) onde fiz o primeiro desenho que publiquei. O café já não é o mesmo, mas as mesas ao ar livre ainda lá estão, tal como a boa [...]


76th USkPortugal meeting was in Silves, ancient capital of Algarve, the southern portuguese province. I made the first sketch of the day near the so called “roman bridge”. In april all the surrounding orange trees are flowering and the town  smells wonderfully. It was a great day and in the evening we had great f […]

Rota Vicentina

This sketch, now on the flag, was done while walking Rota Vicentina, a beautiful trail (350km) on the SW cost of Portugal. A great part of the track is near water. Either the sea or this channels that bring water from a big reservoir to the fields. Here every step you take at least a […]

Rota Vicentina

I have been walking ROTA VICENTINA, a track (GR) along the south atlantic coast of Portugal. The whole trail will need about 15 walking days but, after the first experience, we don’t want to spare any of them. It is a wonderful walk, along the shore, with stunning viewpoints and great beaches. All the way […]