Sonunda Barcleona'dan bu eskizleri gösterebilirim!

So, right after coming back from Barselona last summer I happened to be talking to a writer at The Artist’s Magazine.

Actually this is a funny story, so I will digress. Our group USK:MTL was sketching musicians at an event
for historic re-creators, and there was this guy with a lute. I didn’t
actually recognize it as such, I’m just sketching away and I think to
myself “I don’t know what that instrument is – I could just make up some
nonsense and nobody would care”. But, I’m a well trained Urban Sketcher
so I drew it exactly as I saw it. Soon after I get a message – “Wow, my
friend is a lute player, and I never see drawings of lute players, can I
purchase that sketch?”.  So that is a little tale of why it’s good to
get out and draw the unexpected things life shows you.

one thing lead to another, and it turns out the lute fan is a writer
for The Artist’s Magazine. This leads to me doing a small interview
hakkında Barcelona Symposium,
and giving them two of my watercolors from the trip. So finally, the
short article is out in the world. (Appearing right next to a short bio on Kansas correspondent Cathy Johnson, which is another small-world thing). Here’s the issue if you happen to see
it on the stands:


Bu yüzden
that means, hurray! I can finally show you guys the paintings! It’s
always unexpected, what with the world of blogging, how long it takes to
see things in print. Our expectations change so fast hey?

Barcelona_Casa de les Punxes

[Casa de Les Punxes, Barcelona, 12×16]

didn’t know what to expect out of BCN – but it certainly was not these
‘witches hat’ buildings. I had no idea this was a thing. But they’re
seemingly everywhere in the city, and they’re always charming to see.
Such a whimsical bit of architectural nonsense. Barcelona, of course,
has the world crown for whimsical architecture.


Here’s the drawing in progress on location.

Barcelona_ Gothic Bridge

[Bisbe Street Bridge, Gothic Quarter, 12×16]

little bit of fun is in behind the cathedral in the Gothic quarter, and
is probably the most photographed bit of the city. Because it’s so
cute! How could you not love a style of architecture called

Wikipedia has an interesting side-thread on the authenticity of this area.
I gather there was a strategic policy in the 1920’s to insert some
history into this neighborhood. A plan to improve the image of the city
and attract visitors. I would bet that has been an excellent return on
investment. Architects are divided as to if this sort of faux-history is
valid. I personally like it – why not? It’s an artistic response to the
past. I’m ok with seeing reproductions, especially if the alternative
is seeing functional modernism.

I drew this with Liz Steel
on one of our post-workshop rambles. I always get the best stuff by
hanging around with the architects. They scout the spots so well. For
some reason I didn’t get a good shot of her drawing. Next time, better
reporting skills!


a side note for those interested in the process. This trip I was
sketching multi-page drawings on location, (the trick shown Buradave Burada) printing them onto watercolor paper back home, and painting in the studio.

is an interesting discussion to be had as to how true to ‘Urban
Sketching’ that process is 🙂 We have a desire to draw on location, from
observation, which has so many advantages I won’t even get into it. Of
course, we’d prefer to do the whole painting on the spot as well – it’s
easier, and the results are always better if this is possible – but it’s
a trade off isn’t it? Do you spend three hours on location getting one
painting, or do you get as many sketches as possible and color them

I’ve done it both ways. This trip I opted for sketching
like mad and finishing later. There was so much to see in such a limited
time, I’d kick myself if I came home with only eight paintings, instead
. this stack.

deciding factor was the high incidence of pickpocketing and theft in
this area. Unfortunately we had a number of street-crime incidents
during the workshop, so I decided on the-better-part-of-valor and
carried everything on my person in a very small bag. I hope to do more
painting in Brazil this upcoming 2014 symposium. I should think Paraty
would be more laid back than downtown Barcelona.


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