[作者:Shiho Nakaza(英国曼彻斯特)] 这是我在曼彻斯特参加城市素描研讨会之外画的一些素描。(今年夏天刚到英国时,给我印象最深的是云,它无处不在,而且非常[......]。
[By Marina Grechanik, in Manchester] One of the biggest questions I asked myself while packing tools for the Manchester USk Symposium trip was which sketchbook to take. I decided to prepare an accordion sketchbook – format I love, but use for special occasions only. This format allows to tell stories in continuations, as if invites you to […]
[Paul Wang, 新加坡] 我在英国旅行了3个星期,仍然有些疲惫,但内心肯定是温暖的,模糊的。我作为曼彻斯特研讨会的讲师之一,参加并讲授了一段美好的时光。我很荣幸能与来自世界各地的48位讲习班学员见面。我们不得不与[...]战斗。
[by Lapin in Manchester, UK] I totally fall in love for Manchester during the symposium, and the week was too short to catch in my sketchbook all the inspiring buildings around. I did not know that much about Manchester before, only that my neighborhood in Barcelona, Poblenou, was called the Spanish Manchester, due to its […]
[by a collection of Symposium Sketchers] The Urban Sketchers Symposium in Manchester just wrapped up last week. And the hands-down winner of the most sketched building was a little pub that you just couldn’t miss: The interestingly colored (quite unusual in the city of red brick) Peveril of the Peak. I asked those that were […]
(by Fred Lynch, near Boston, Massachusetts, USA) I fear that I sketch less than of anyone who attends Urban Sketchers symposiums. Everywhere I go, I see participants sketching and I think, should I be sketching now, and not walking? Not eating? It’s astounding to see so much sketching enthusiasm. As an art professor, I’m always […]
[哈维尔-德-布拉斯(Javier de Blas),2016 年研讨会通讯员] 研讨会结束后,我延长了几天的逗留时间,来到卡斯特菲尔德运河边居住。周日,这里仍有一些素描师在工作,其中包括拉平、热拉尔-米歇尔和妮娜-约翰森。多么美妙的几天啊,我可以放松一下,自己画画 [...]
[By Kumi Matsukawa, symposium correspondent in Manchester, UK]。研讨会第四天:W19:Richard Alomar-曼彻斯特绿地;城市绿地写生。我们走得快,画得也快,并训练了在捕捉城市绿化时应注意的事项。这个练习开阔了我的眼界。W21: Rob Sketcherman-用iPad和Procreate在现场。罗伯说[...] 。
[2016 年研讨会通讯员哈维尔-德-布拉斯报道] 研讨会最后一天的通讯工作并不轻松,至少对我来说是这样。 Sketchwalk F 和中国城一样,都是极具诱惑力的主题。但我们都知道,中国的装饰品充满了细节。保罗-王就[......] 给大家上了一堂有趣而完整的课。
周六晚上,我们又结束了一次研讨会。我们感谢大家在研讨会博客上的关注;请继续关注我们的博客,因为我们会有更多来自曼彻斯特的回顾和有关 2017 年研讨会的消息。我要向 2016 年研讨会的当地主持人西蒙娜-里亚德(Simone Ridyard)致以最诚挚的谢意,她对 [...] 的热情令人难以置信。
#USkManchester2016。第三天 多样性是生活的调味品
[英国曼彻斯特研讨会通讯员 Liz Ackerley 报道] 今天的天气和昨天一样(下了几场雨,然后又下了几场雨!),但与昨天不同的是,我报道了各种活动,从研讨会到活动、素描爬行以及城市素描师 Lynne Chapman 的展览预览。我参加了[......] 部分活动,拉开了今天活动的序幕。
[2016 年研讨会通讯员哈维尔-德-布拉斯报道] 腾飞的空间是斯蒂芬妮-鲍尔(Stephanie Bower)举办的第 23 期工作坊的主题。当我到达一楼时,凯伦-琼斯(Karen Jones)是最后一位写生者。场景非常完美。 伊莎贝尔-卡莫纳(Isabel Carmona)和伦-格兰特(Len Grant)在.Royal Exchange Theatre参加了第16期工作坊,主题是构图和色彩。[...]