44th world-wide SketchCrawl in Liverpool

Sketches drawn on the historic Liverpool waterfront

In celebration of the 44th worldwide SketchCrawl, Urban Sketchers Manchester had a day out in Liverpool on Saturday, which is about an hours drive away. I confess to a slight ulterior motive as I’m doing a three day summer school in a couple of weeks with Tate Liverpool…and this was to be a bit of a dry run. We met at the Albert Dock outside Tate Liverpool in bright sunshine and about 30 people were there at the start, a mix of new and familiar faces.

Sketchers at the Albert Dock

After a brief introduction we were off. The architecture and urban realm along the Liverpool waterfront is quite spectacular….imposing Victorian buildings and warehouses interposed with astonishing modern buildings such as the Museum of Liverpool by Danish architects 3 X Neilsen and the inscrutable black building blocks of Mann Island…personally I’m a fan (but I might be in a minority)! We had 2 sketching locations for the morning session then a good break for lunch when I was delighted to catch up with Judith Alsop Miles, who I last saw at USk BCN and is now living in Yorkshire. Also Tim Richardson who set up Birmingham Urban Sketchers had made the trip to come sketch with us. Good lunch and lovely to share sketchbooks! 

Judith Alsop Miles sketching
Tim Richardson sketching

Another photo of Tim
Close up of me sketching

Me sketching in the Albert Dock      
Final photocall
Fabulous sketches!

Then back to
the waterfront for the afternoon session before returning to the Tate
for a brief ‘show and tell’ session. Lots of lovely sketches and great
company. New faces (and young faces), including some visitors from
Canterbury and Buenos Aires! Tate Liverpool had generously provided us
with a photographer for the day…thanks to Rene Garcia for his help during the day – he took these photographs. 
Then a quick sojourn to the nearest bar for a reviving drink, just as the
weather turned and the rain started. Unfortunately I got soaked getting
up to Lime Street Station (memo to self…never leave home in the UK
without an umbrella!), but at least it was warm rain and I’d almost
dried out by the time I got back to Manchester. Thanks to everyone who
made the trip and contributed to a special day.

Albert Dock Pumphouse with Liverpool One behind



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