[[By Kumi Matsukawa, Symposium Correspondent in Manchester, UK]]
Symposium Day 2:
At the morning gathering: Omar, Simone, and Elizabeth made announcement.
First, I went to Workshop16: Isabel Carmona and Len Grant – Focus your sketching stories
( Royal Exchange Theatre)
This day it rained.Glad that this workshop was taking place inside the building.
Len says what makes good photos is following points:
1, lighting
2, compositional rule
3, framing
4, leading lines
5, patterns
And this also can be applied to sketches.
Next , I observed Activity 1: Andrea Matthews – Making time for postcards.
( Albert Square)
In this activity, participants make three sketches on the postcard sized papers and send them to friends/ family right after finish drawing.
After lunch, I tried the Activity 2: Recording a Musical City by Caroline Jonson. This is to capture live concert from Manchester Jazz festival.
It held inside the tent. This moment I didn’t have to worry about the heavy rain.
Then I visited Workshop7: Jim Richards – Capturing the Crowd: People in public Space( Albert Square)
He made participants to draw abstract design ( big shape)first, then to add details. A very constructive and easy way to taccle to city view with people.
Later joined Drink and Draw( Peveril of the Peak)
At the table outside of the pub, I had un umbrela in one hand and brushpen in another.
Soon, evacuated to inside the pub.This is the last sketch of the day.