[By Richard Sheppard in Cloverdale, California] I admit it. I love art books. Drawing, watercolor, illustration, animation, and of course, sketching are some of my favorite subjects. This stack represents approximately 15% of my total art book collection, but even still, I feel my library is no where near complete. What are some of your favorite art books?
How to Make a Journal of Your Life by D. Price
Process Recess by James Jean
The Urban Sketching Handbook: People and Motion by Gabriel Campanario ( I have a sketch in this book!)
The Urban Sketching Handbook: Architecture and Cityscapes by Gabriel Campanario
The Urban Sketching Handbook: Understanding Perspective by Stephanie Bower
The Urban Sketching Handbook: Reportage and Documentary Drawing by Veronica Lawler
Everyday Matters by Danny Gregory
PR3: The Hallowed Seam by James Jean
Lapin a Saint-Emilion by Lapin
Manchester Sketchbook edited by Jan Chlebik and Phil Griffin
The Artist on the Road: Impressions of Greece by Richard Sheppard (my book!)
Mostly Montreal by Shari Blaukopf
Sketchbooking by Barbara M. Stecher
Road to Rome: An Artist’s Year in Italy by Marlene McLoughlin
Keeping a Watercolor Sketchbook by Brenda Swenson
Random Beach Bodies by Melanie Reim
One Drawing a Day by Veronica Lawlor
Impressions of Wine Country by Richard Sheppard (my book!)
An Illustrated Journey by Danny Gregory (I’m one of the featured artists!)
An Illustrated Life by Danny Gregory
Seattle Sketcher by Gabriel Campanario
On-the-Spot Drawing by Nick Meglin
Creative Sketching Workshop by Pete Scully
The Art of Urban Sketching by Gabriel Campanario
Learn to Paint in Watercolor with 50 Paintings by Wil Freeborn
Urban Sketching: The Complete Guide to Techniques by Thomas Thorspecken
Sketching People by Lynne Chapman
Drawing People by Barbara Bradley
Now Where Was I? by Steven Reddy
Papas’ Portland by William Papas
Papas’ Greece by Tessa and Bill Papas
Back Roads to the California Coast by Earl Thollander and Herb McGrew
Drawing Fire: A Combat Artist at War by Howard Brodie
The Urban Sketcher by Marc Taro Holmes
The Artist’s Guide to Sketching by James Gurney and Thomas Kinkade
Artist’s Journal Workshop by Cathy Johnson
Freehand Drawing and Discovery by James Richards