The very first sketchbook I bought was an attempt to cure a purely physiological need to mend my homesickness, back in 2016. From that moment on, it’s been a bouncing sequence of sketches portraying the place where I actually lived and the one I yearned for. Specifically, I’ve been divided mainly between Milan (adoptive city) and Ruvo di Puglia (birthplace), with some random visits in European capitals. Ruvo di Puglia – Larghetto Cervone
Milan – View of Corso Buenos Aires
Ruvo di Puglia – View of roofs in the old town
Milan – Corner at via Turro
Ruvo di Puglia – tomatoes ready to become home-made sauce
Milan – Gae Aulenti Square with construction site
Ruvo di Puglia – A pharmacy
Dublin – O’Neill’s pub
Milan – Tito Minniti square
Marina Fabiano